Online Payments

Band members may make payments for student fees and other expenses online via PayPal. A 3.25% processing fee will be added to each payment.

  1. Complete the boxes below with your Student’s Name and Purpose of Payment.
  2. Click the “Pay Now” button.
  3. Enter the amount of your payment (a 3.25% processing fee, or “tax,” will be added) and click Continue.
  4. Choose your payment method and click Continue.
  5. Confirm your payment details and click Pay Now.

Student Name

Purpose of Payment

Payment by Check

To avoid a processing fee, you may also make payments by check. No cash payments, please.

  • Make checks out to NPMA.
  • Write your student’s name on the memo line.
  • Place in an envelope and label it with your child’s name and purpose of the payment.
  • Place it in the Blue Box in the band room.

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